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“This range will enable us to be present on the market all year round”

Lovita presents its new processed products

Lovita® has grown a lot. The heart-shaped red plum was launched in 2018 at Fruit Attraction. It is now available in juice, jam and dehydrated fruit. At medFEL 2024, Lovita, exhibiting for the first time at its own booth, presented its new range of processed products. Further trials are currently underway and may eventually be added to the range. "This new development will enable us to make the most of our entire production, and to be present on the market all year round," explains Monika Kujundzic, marketing project manager at French Fruit Lovers.

In 2023, nearly 50 tons of Lovita® plums were used to make juices and jams.

High-end products
Last year, the range was launched with the marketing of juices under the O'natur brand, developed in partnership with Jus du Soleil, a company specializing in the processing of fruit and vegetables into purees and juices. "This is a unique product because, unlike prune juice, plum juice is rather rare," explains Monika Kujundzic. Jus du Soleil has even developed a concentrated puree for ice-cream makers and pastry chefs. Besides juices, the Lovita® plum is also available as a jam, this time developed in partnership with La Roumanière, a Provence-based company that makes artisanal jams. La Roumanière's Lovita® plum jam won a bronze medal at the General Agricultural Contest of Paris in 2023.

The third product in the range is a dehydrated plum with no added sugar,. "It is not on the market yet, as we are still working on the packaging, but we have already tested it with our clients and the feedback has been excellent."

The range has been developed for gourmet chefs, hotels and high-end restaurants. The O'natur juice also took part in the 11th Prix Épicures held in April.

For more information:
Monika Kujundzic
French Fruit Lovers
2788 route de la Mégère
82200 Moissac - France
Phone: +33 (0)5 63 04 01 06
Mobile: +33 (0) 6 62 02 77 15
[email protected]

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