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“New season Chinese garlic is on the market and the quality is great”

David Zheng from Jining Martin International Trade Co., Ltd., introduced the new garlic crop, noting it is smaller in size, but it is of great quality. Although this year's production has slightly decreased, the reduction is not significant. Specifically, early garlic production in Henan has dropped by about 20%, medium garlic production in Jinxiang, Shandong by about 10%, and late garlic is still being harvested. Additionally, garlic planting areas are expanding in other regions beyond the main production areas.

"The price of new garlic is currently relatively stable," David explained. "Jinxiang semi-dry garlic is about ¥6-7 per kilogram, and better-quality dry garlic is about ¥8-10 per kilogram, which is relatively reasonable." He mentioned that garlic prices had risen to over ¥12 per kilogram in March but fell to ¥4-6 per kilogram in April due to weak demand caused by high prices. "Before and after the launch of new garlic, prices gradually returned to normal."

David highlighted that the current garlic export situation is quite favorable, with customers actively placing orders. "Currently, the South American market is the most active. Argentina, the main garlic producer in South America, has entered winter, allowing quality new Chinese garlic to enter the market early this year, resulting in more orders from this market."

Besides garlic, onions are also a major product for Martin International. David visited Gansu production areas in early May to assess onion planting conditions. It was reported that onion planting in northwest production areas might see a slight reduction this year. "Due to a shortage of water resources, several onion-producing areas in Gansu will reduce their planting area by 30%-40% this year, and some areas will suspend planting. However, Ningxia has abundant water resources and is growing many onions, and the production areas in Inner Mongolia are also developing. Overall, onion planting in northwest China may decrease by 10%-20%."

Jining Martin International Trading Co., Ltd. offers a range of products including garlic, garlic sprouts, onions, peppers, and ginger. Their main export markets are Southeast Asia, the Middle East, South America, and Europe.

For more information:
David Zheng
Jining Martin International Trade Co., Ltd
Tel: +86 182 6682 8656
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