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"A good growing pot is necessary for blueberry production"

"The blueberry industry develops in Yunnan very quickly. This year, due to the high temperature and less rainfall, blueberries go to the market from March, almost one and a half months earlier than before," said the team of Shanghai Dehuan Industry Co., Ltd.

Yunnan is the main blueberry production area in China. Its shipping volume has exceeded 2,400 tons. Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Guangzhou, etc. are the top consumer cities. The price varies with different sizes and varieties. According to some data, the growing area of blueberry in Yunnan has been more than 176,000 acres, and most of this consists of soilless cultivation.

Shanghai Dehuan Industry Co provides growing pots for blueberry production, and the sales have been quite good in recent years "People have various demands for pots, this is why we provide different sizes and designs, from 1 to 40 liters," the team says. "A suitable pot can create a good airflow for the roots. Except for growing pots, we also have some growing bags, so growers can choose what they prefer."

Shanghai Dehuan Industry Co does not only sell to China, but also exports to other countries. "We always went to Chile, and Spain to join local events and visit our customers. This year, we will also go to Amsterdam to join Greentech. It's our first time on the show, we have great expectations."

Shanghai Dehuan Industry Co will exhibit at GreenTech Amsterdam 2024 -in stand 05.144-4

For more information:
Shanghai Dehuan Industry Co., Ltd
Email: [email protected]