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Hoping to bridge critical gaps in food safety protocols

Agilent technologies partners with ICAR-NRCG in India

Agilent Technologies has entered into a strategic partnership with ICAR-National Research Centre for Grapes (NRCG) in India. The collaboration aims to co-develop advanced analytical workflows to bridge critical gaps in food safety protocols. This initiative is in response to the growing need for quality assurance in food products and adherence to safety regulations, as India advances its role in global food production and exports.

The partnership leverages Agilent's global expertise in food safety solutions and NRCG's experience in analytical workflow development. The focus is on creating advanced workflows for the analysis of PFAS, polar pesticides, antibiotics, and other emerging contaminants to ensure compliance with stringent regulatory standards.

Dr. Kaushik Banerjee, director of NRCG, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration, highlighting its goal to enhance national food safety capabilities sustainably. He recalled NRCG's development of a comprehensive residue monitoring procedure using an Agilent system, which has evolved to support the food sector further.

The collaboration will support laboratories in meeting regulatory requirements from bodies such as FSSAI, APEDA, EIC, and Commodity Boards. It aims to contribute to shaping food safety standards and advocate for new regulations in India.


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