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Manufactured by Bulltec for Colt.Or: watch the video!

A fennel grader focused on the utmost efficiency

Bulltec has designed and installed a fennel electronic processing and grading system for Colt.Or in Ortucchio (L'Aquila). "The line is made entirely of stainless steel and enables the processing of the fennel harvested to make it ready for shipping. The grader is patented and the system includes 7 + 1 outputs," explains the owner of Bulltec Ruggero Ricci.

Once graded, the produce is placed in crates. The system also includes a shredder to manage waste as best as possible. "There is also a filtering system to reuse the water - a pondered and fundamental choice to be more eco-friendly and sustainable." Apofruit general director Ernesto Fornari reports that "in addition to the associates, our cooperative also works with other cooperatives in order to complete the range. Once of them is Colt.Or, which specializes in the production of vegetables, especially carrots and fennel, all year round."

"We needed to change the technology to improve quality, increase homogeneity and achieve certain performances also when it comes to yields. Bulltec machines are now electronic and feature a series of other improvements that are nowadays essential. Today, we are talking about 'smart machines' because we are dealing with electronics, which we can no longer do without."

"The sales system is requiring packaging that is increasingly homogeneous: thanks to the Bulltec system, grades are divided up thanks to electronic grading, they are then tilted into various tanks and divided so that the personnel can identify what to package faster," continues Fornari.

"And, most of all, the produce is also perfected because fennel is cut homogeneously. This investment is a must nowadays because, if we want to be specialists, each product requires a specific technology."

For more information
Via Terni 330
47522 Cesena (FC) - Italy
Tel.: +39 0547 1932254
Tel.: +39 349 6923431
[email protected]

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