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Biochemical company develops nontoxic protectant spray to counter citrus greening

In Florida, the citrus industry has faced significant challenges due to citrus greening, a disease spread by a tiny foreign insect. The impact of this disease has been profound, with the state's orange production dropping from 148 million boxes in the 2005-2006 season to just over 15.8 million boxes in the 2022-2023 season. This decline has resulted in $2.9 billion in lost grower revenues and 7,500 lost jobs over eight years, as reported by the Florida Department of Citrus.

A breakthrough has come from Missouri-based biochemical company Elemental Enzymes, which developed Vismax, a nontoxic protectant spray. Vismax, which received EPA approval in 2023, works by triggering an immune response in citrus trees, enabling them to combat citrus greening more effectively than traditional methods. This innovative approach not only offers hope for the recovery of Florida's citrus orchards but also presents a potential solution for various crop diseases across the United States.

Elemental Enzymes has collaborated with Nutrien to distribute Vismax under the brand name Aura, initially targeting Florida farms with plans to expand its application to other crops. "The pathways that we're triggering can work on a lot of diseases because a lot of microbes and fungi have actually evolved around this plant mechanism," said Katie Thompson, CEO of Elemental Enzymes.


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